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Epics of India Portfolio
Hello, my name is Tyler Knight and I am a senior at the University of Oklahoma (OU) and hopefully graduating May 2020. I currently pursuing a degree in aviation from OU and hope to find a job in the corporate world of aviation. My plan is for when I graduate from OU is get on with a corporate company or private entity to be able to fly people around in private airplanes. I think the biggest goal out of my hopeful career is get with a company that travels all around the world so that as they are seeing the world so can I.
When looking back at last semester and also looking back at this summer I think there are two things that really stand out to me the most on what I was able to accomplish. The first thing being able to pass my tests and get my instrument rating added onto my pilots license. For anyone that doesn't know the instrument rating is probably one of the most difficult ratings for a beginning pilot to be able to obtain just because of the vast amount of information that you have to consume and then be able to apply that while flying the airplane at the same time. Then the second thing, is this summer when I passed my checkride and tests to get my commercial pilots license, this isn't really are hard course to pass and master but there is a lot stress put onto the student during their commercial course. This simply just because the examiners are being extra cautious in making sure everything is done correctly and also the standards are held to a much higher level than for a beginner pilot. So for a pilot to be able to obtain a commercial license is the best feeling because you have trained so hard and now that you have passed you can finally start using all those hours and hours in the cockpit to actually start making money and begin a journey to your future career.
More about my personal life, I'm not the most active person in the world, I don't really have any hobbies or things that I really try to do. I would say the only thing that really comes close to really being considered a hobby for me is that I love the art of coffee and trying new and upcoming coffee shops here in Oklahoma and else where when I travel to new places. I love anything that has to do food and will pretty much try anything at least once because I like to explore new things; however, if I even see the slightest resemblance of what could possibly be a mushroom you might as well just throw it in the garbage, I'm not sure how anyone likes the taste of mushrooms. When I am home it is usually spent with the two dogs that are in the house we have a husky and german shepherd and man are those two more than I would like to deal with sometimes, especially when school starts back up.
Personal Photo of Smash the Husky |
I was excited to tell my husband (pilot) that there is a pilot in class this semester, Tyler: very cool, and congratulations on your accomplishments! Where we live right now is literally next door to a tiny regional airport, and there is a pilot who does acrobatic stuff right over our house. It's really fun because if I'm out walking or playing with the cat, he can see me down here and he'll do the maneuvers right where I can stand there and watch. It makes me kind of dizzy just looking at the things he can do with that little plane!
ReplyDeleteAnd I can also imagine that those dogs demand some attention; your picture of Smash is so cute! Cats don't mind being ignored... but dogs can get seriously attention-deprived. Some dogs like being read to aloud because, hey, they think you are talking to them, right? One of the best ways not just to proofread but also to revise and improve your writing is to read it out loud, so maybe it will turn out that your dogs will enjoy the sound of their master's voice reading to them stories about India. You never know; it's worth trying at least! And I hope you ... and maybe even your dogs too ... will enjoy the class! :-)
Yes, the dogs do seek a lot of attention all the time and it really shows when the fall and spring semesters start. The husky which is in the picture she craves attention but luckily she is three years old and has kind of tamed down and has kind of adjusted to attention available during the semester. Now on the other hand the german shepherd is just now close to being one and she has not really adjusted and is a work in progress on keeping her busy to where she doesn't go on war path whenever she doesn't get the attention she wants.
DeleteAnd having a house located where yours is next to an airport would really cool to be, especially for me, even though I fly planes all the time I still get fascinated by them no matter the size.
Hi, Tyler! That is so awesome that you are so passionate about aviation! My grandfather had his private pilot’s license and my boyfriend just got his this summer. Both of them have mentioned how difficult it is to get your instrument rating. Congratulations to you on that and on getting your commercial license! That is so awesome! I definitely get being a fan of coffee! I love checking out new local shops too! One of my favorite places is Cuppies and Joe in Oklahoma City. Their interior is so cozy and they have the best cupcakes! My favorite is called the “Sassafras”. Their frozen hot chocolate is also a really fun summer treat if you’re ever looking for something sweet! It’s definitely worth checking out if you haven’t already! Also, your dog is beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteIt is cool to meet you Tyler I am sure you love flying at6 great nights I am sorry but you might nit like me saying this but I absolutely love mushrooms I love them sautéed on my pizza or mushroom soup or mushroom fritters there are many ways I love to try it. But I absolutely love coffee and drink it everyday Starbucks is my go to place and my top favorite dogs are husky's and German Shepard as well. Nice to meet you.
ReplyDeleteHello Tyler!
ReplyDeleteI think being a pilot would be one of the coolest careers to have. Being able to travel the country and fly around the world sounds like such a rewarding, yet challenging career. While reading your blog post I learned how difficult it can be to obtain some of the tests needed to become a pilot, so I wish you all the luck in accomplishing those! I also loved getting to learn about your dogs, especially because I have a german shepard too!
Hi Tyler, nice to meet you!
ReplyDeleteThat's really cool that you're an Aviation major, I've met a couple people in Aviation recently and I think it's a very cool skill to possess. It would be amazing to fly yourself anywhere. It was interesting to learn about the different tests and things needed in order to become a pilot, I hadn't hear of these things before. I also really love the picture of your Husky, I love Huskies and I hear they can be quite energetic. Good luck on your semester!
Hi Tyler! Becoming a pilot is one of the coolest majors and I'm glad that all your testing went well! If you were to get a job with one of the larger corporate companies, do you have a favorite? I don't know if there is a tier list of commercial airliners in regards to how pilots are treated, but that would be cool to read! I agree with your sentiments about mushrooms, they are one of the weirdest textures and don't provide an amazing enough flavor to justify having to chew it.
ReplyDeleteHey Tyler! I think it's super cool that you want to be a pilot and travel the world. One of my life goals is to also travel the world, but I won't be able to say I flew myself around.I think it's really cool that you like trying coffee shops. That seems like such a fun activity to get into. Also, Smash is absolutely adorable.
ReplyDeleteHi Tyler,
ReplyDeleteI also live with a husky and I'm not sure how you're able to handle both a husky and a german shepherd. Even just one of those sounds like a lot of work. Getting your commercial pilot's license sounds like quite an achievement so congrats on that and hopefully you'll be able to get the job you want after graduation.
I guess I was logged into the wrong Google account when I made this comment...oops.
DeleteHey Tyler! I think it is really cool that you want to be a pilot. There's not much more freedom to travel in a country like the United States than being able to fly places. I have a friend who wants to be a pilot and he will frequently fly from Omaha to Kansas City for lunch or to watch a soccer game. Good luck with your career goals!
ReplyDeleteHi Tyler! Wow, piloting, what a cool profession to pursue. To be honest, I didn't know that OU offered this major until this class! You're the second in the program I have seen, I think. Something that shocks most people since I'm now in my 20's is that I have yet to step foot in a plane! That said, I'm not the most traveled, so I envy how this occupation probably allows you to see parts of the world out of reach to many others! I have met a few pilots before, however, one of which was a fighter pilot. He was obsessed with the movie Top Gun. I feel obliged to ask, then, if you're familiar with this Tom Cruise film and if it is also your favorite? How fun to see you're such a coffee enthusiast. I wonder if you've ever considered a college job as a barista? I myself am more of a tea person, but I definitely appreciate the artistic foam that you see on some coffee drinks!
ReplyDeleteHello Tyler,
ReplyDeleteIt is good to get to know a bit about you. I think you seem to be an interesting person that has many goals and is accomplishing them. The art of coffee huh? I too love coffee but I think I would drink just about any kind so I can’t say my taste is all too good. What got you into aviation?
Hi Tyler! I think that your major is really cool! I would love to know how to fly a plane, but I guess I'll have to be content to be a passenger. I also want to travel the world after I graduate, and I think it's so cool that you are going to be able to use your career to make this dream of yours come true.
ReplyDeleteHi Tyler!
ReplyDeleteNot sure how I haven’t seen your intro page this semester, but it was fun to read. Congratulations on your accomplishments that you have achieved for the piloting thing. That sounds really intense! I also like that you’re into coffee! It’s kind of my favorite thing of all times. I also like to try new coffee from places around the world. My husband and I travel a lot and the first thing we always do when we go somewhere is to try the coffee. So far, the Dominican has the best coffee I’ve ever tasted. There is a new coffee/food/bar place that went in off Tecumseh between the highway and Flood Ave called Press and Plow. Haven’t had time to get over there yet, but it looks like an interesting place if you haven’t been there yet. Good luck with the rest of your semester!
Hi Tyler! How cool! I'm not sure how I hadn't seen this page but i'm glad I can say hi before the class was closed. I have 2 huskies myself so I LOVED your picture of Smash. I'd love to see one of your German Shepherd too. Aviation is a cool major! I hope you reached all your goals for this semester, and do indeed get to graduate in May. Good luck next semester!