Tuesday, October 1, 2019

the Mahabharata Part C: Reading Notes

Sacred Groves in India
Source: Biodivvy

Mahabharata Part C- in this section it starts out with the brothers and their wife still out in the forest on the last part of their twelve years.

-starts out with Yudhishthira and Nakula were running after a deer and they kept missing and went on and on hunting until they gave up
-they had chased this deer for so long that they were thirsty for water and so one of them climbed a tree in search for some water
-there was place that seemed it had water and so Nakula went to find the water and see if it was going to be a safe place and come back with whatever he found out
-as Nakula approached the water there was a voice that instructed him to not drink the water until he answered some questions
-Nakula disregarded these commands and took a sip of the water and Nakula died just after drinking the water
-so since Nakula never returned one after the other, the brothers went to go find out what happened, each brother passing away because they wouldn’t follow the commands to answer the questions before they partook in the water
-Yudhishthira was the last brother and since none of his brothers returned from the watering hole he went on a search himself to find out what happened to his brothers
-Yudhishthira found his four brothers dead next to the shore of the water and there was the voice again “saying if you don’t want to be like your brothers then answer these questions and you can have all the water you want”
-Yudhishthira being the person he was didn’t follow any commands unless he could get something in return (because as we learned from the beginning he was not afraid to gamble)
-Yudhishthira answered the questions that were asked of him and in return he was able to drink the water and at first he was only promised to get one brother back, but since he was able to answer all questions and also pass the test of not revealing who he truly was all the brothers were brought back to life

Second part of the part C read

-the brothers and their wife get to the end of their twelve year sentence to the forest and now comes the time were they are to stay unrecognized for another year
-they find a kingdom they will call home for the thirteenth year
-they struggle to work as servants in the palace and follow the rules so they are not to be noticed as their true selves
-they make it through the thirteenth year and now make their decisions on how to get back their kingdom and royalty back from their uncle and cousins

Bibliography: the Mahabharata, R.K. Narayan. Source: Web Link

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