Thursday, October 10, 2019

Week 8 Progress

Source: Flickr

Looking at the overall progress that I have made in this class, it has not been great and that is mainly due to my own doing. I let the hustle of all my other classes and work take over me and I caved and so I just threw a blanket on all my assignments like they didn't exist. This hurt me as now I am way behind in the course as far as points and will have to be doing some more of the extra credit options at the end of each week.

Looking forward for me in this class, I will have to make sure that I am on top of each assignment and giving this class a dedicated time each day to knock out the assignments in a efficient way. Also, I will have to make sure to do a couple of the extra credit assignments at the end of each week to rack up those missing points that I missed out on, on the weeks before.

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