Sunday, September 29, 2019

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Rama and Ravan in Battle
Source: KidsGen

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Story Lab Week 6: Tedx Videos- One side of story and fictional vs real emotions

The Danger of a Single Story

When watching this Tedx video that features Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie and her view of a single story being told and how we base that knowledge of our perceptions of the world. This is very interesting in that you can truly see the beliefs one person has of any culture or of any one thing in particular by looking back on what they were exposed to. If you look at her example of her moving to college and meeting her roommate for the first time and how their encounter transpired. 

Personally I think that this is an issue that is seen all around no matter where you are brought up, that from a child you are brought up in a certain way with your families values and what the family views as right and wrong. Even if you look at old philosophies this trend as already been documented as a thing that has been watched and observed, when looking at rationalism- where a person is said to learn from "a priori" (prior to experience) experience and they base all knowledge off of what they have learned before hand to experiencing something else to rationalize what is right or wrong. 

Imaginary Friends and Real-World Consequences 

Jennifer Barnes does a really good job at bringing up a really good point as to why we can connect to fictional characters way easier than our real life figures. I feel that Barnes could have done a little better in actually discussing a more factional reason for why this is. However, just from experience of having these feelings toward fictional characters, I think its really due to the recency of the feelings that are develop toward those characters or people. With fictional characters you are bonding with them right there in the moment and you have no control of what is happening to them so you show more empathy to the characters. Where for real life lets say your immediate family members, yes we do show empathy and sadness for them but we are with them at all times. With our family members we have a closer connection that we can see and control in the real world and I feel that desensitizes our feelings toward them as time goes on. 

Source: Quote Fancy

Video Sources:


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Reading Notes: Mahabharta Reading Part B

- at first the brothers and the one wife are summoned to the kingdom that they were banned from

- asked to gamble basically for the rights to however should have the best palace whether it's the brothers or the brothers uncle

- in my opinion the brothers are cheated out their palace when they gamble on the dice game, but it was also their fault for continuing to bet when they were just losing every round

-the brothers ended up losing everything in the bet and were forced to become their uncles slaves in his palace

- the uncle started to feel bad for them after one of the elders talked to him, so he gave the brothers back their palace but kept everything else

- then they were summoned back to their uncles palace to gamble again because their uncle now got scared that the brothers would regain everything they lost and come back to kill him and the rest of the people that supported him

- and once again the brothers lost everything and this time they were forbidden to reside anywhere except the forest and they were to stay there for twelve years and one more year unless somebody noticed them

Horses talked about in gambling
Source: India Today

Bibliography: R.K. Narayan, "the Mahabharata". Source: Textbook

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Mahabharta Reading Part A

-We have two characters that fall in love, the wife only has one condition on the marriage and that the man can not question anything that she does on her time
- The couple has a kid and the mother drowns the child in the river
- This trend continues until the 8th child is born 
- 8th child is allowed to live only because it was the rebirth of the person who granted the wish of the curse for the other 7th children 

- Some character is flying overhead the water and he drops some semen in the lake and it is received by a fish and this fish had two kids a girl and boy
- The boy is taken and the girl is left to live and be raised by a fisherman
-We meet a the characters of the girl who is raised by a fisherman and the fisherman won't allow the marriage of her unless she gets to take the throne 
- A proposal is given and the marriage happens 
- Since the fisherman agreed to the marriage the woman's stink of bad fish was removed 

- Meet Bhishma
- Satyavati given in marriage to the king
- gave birth to two sons
- Chitrangada and Vichitravirya
- All the sons are taken through training 

- Bhishma took care of his family
- Bhishma renounced thrown

- Chitrangada was proclaimed king
- haughty ruler but for a short time
- waged war against Gandhari and killed in battle
- Bhishma put Vachitravirya on the throne
- since he was young, Bhishma was regent

- All the brothers are forced to leave the palace and find refuge somewhere until it is safe to return home 

Representation of Bhishma
Source: Global Fashion Street

Bibliography: R.K. Narayan, "the Mahabharata". Source: Textbook 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Story Week 4: Story Plot

What is a Plot?

For this week I decided to do the story lab assignment and I looked into the Writers Write Website (insert link), the article that I read about was “What is a Plot?”. I find this interesting because you can take this article and relate it R.K Narayan book of the Ramayana. In the article they describe what is a plot and having a plot isn’t about just having an idea and writing about it, you need to a protagonist and an antagonist to portray some type of conflict within the two of them and build from there. If the author has wrote something with a great plot the story will have a beginning, middle, and end to the plot. The beginning will start the story of how the conflict has come about and start to paint the picture for what is about to be told. Then you have the middle where the conflict plays out and it will be the bulk of the story, the middle is usually the longest part of the story. Lastly, you have the ending which will bring the conflict to an end and summarize the victory or defeat of whomever the story is mainly about.

Taking Apart the Ramayana

Let’s look at the beginning of the Ramayana, it starts off with a little bit of character building and information about each of the characters. Then it starts by telling you the story of Rama and his royal family that rule an area. Then it takes off going through the adventures of Rama and all the bad people that he must face. But the true conflict that first starts in this story and really isn’t apparent until you look back at the book is when Rama’s stepmother makes him leave the throne and leave the palace at once to live in the forest. In my opinion this where the beginning of the story ends and shows where the true conflict has now risen into view.

Then when furthering the reading you get to the middle of the story and when Rama and his wife Sita leave the palace and head to the forest to live the rest of their fourteen years amongst the things that live in the forest. This is where Rama and Sita start to encounter all the different people that lived in the forest and begun to make enemies with some and friends with others. It is then when Rama encountered Ravana’s sister that the stories conflict really showed itself. The author really does a great job on telling the story between Ravana and Rama and everything that built up to Ravana attacking Rama by taking his wife. The author does use the bulk of the book to tell this story and the events leading up to the end when Rama and Ravana battle.

The end, the author now uses the last part of the book to tell the reader how the conflict is resolved and whether that the story is ending in a good or bad note. Luckily in this story the author chooses to end it in a good note. The ending builds up some suspense on leading the reader on whether Rama is truly strong enough to overtake Ravana. So, the conflict is resolved by Rama winning the battle against Ravana and getting his wife Sita back to him.

Plot of a Story
Source: Flickr

Bibliography: Patterson, Amanda, “What is a Plot?”. Source 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Reading Notes Week 4, Part D

Finding Sita and Destroying of Lanka

After all the time that has passed and the land that has been covered in this story I was relieved to finally see that Sita had been found. This is when Hanuman the monkey found Sita in the land of Lanka where Ravana resides and is holding Sita. 

I found it really interesting that Sita was strong enough to over come the temptation of giving into Ravana and becoming his new wife. Throughout the whole book every time someone is defeated theirs wives almost instantly give in to the victorious and here Sita is strong and his only committed to Rama. Ravana takes multiple strides to break Sita of this commitment she has for Rama but shes stays strong. 

Hanuman escapes from Ravanas armies and sets destruction to Lanka before crossing the ocean once again to bring great news to Rama. This is great news to Rama and then the battle begins between Ravana and Rama in Rama's quest to get his wife Sita back. 

Battle between Rama and Ravana

The battle really showed the strengths of both Rama and Ravana and the author really takes the story and puts into a words that paint a clear picture. I find it interesting in this battle of you really get to see how the powers are divided and almost equal among Rama and Ravana. I only say this, because you see that both Rama and Ravana receive help from the gods at different times during the battle between the two of them. But it just comes down to the end of who is the most powerful and can utilize the powers that have been given to them in the most beneficial way to get what they want. 

I was really happy to see that Rama and Sita finally got be embraced in each others arms again. In winning the battle and receiving his wife back I was happy that were able to find piece once again and get accepted into the heavens above. 

Battle of Rama and Ravana
Source: Wikimedia

Bibliography: R.K. Narayan, The Indian Epics Retold: The Ramayana 

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week 3 Story: Thataka's Fate In A Different Way

As Rama and Viswamithra are on their journey to perform the special ceremonies they come upon a desert. Rama has never seen something so bare and un-full of life. That is when Viswamithra proceeds to tell Rama about a past demigod that was taken of her powers and left here to live by herself. This is the story of Thataka and how the land she lives on is no longer the land that everyone once known.

“This place has been doomed by the asuras that once was a demigod”, said Viswamithra, “she has taken her anger out for having her sons taken from her what has now been a long time”.

Rama proceeds to ask, “why was her sons taken from her.”

Viswamithra went on to say, “Her sons left great damage to this land and others lands that are sacred to most, but they did not care.”

The sons of Thataka did not care what damage they are caused to the land they just found pleasure in it and everything else that could cause the most damage to the land. So that is when Agasthya came forth and took their demigod powers away and cursed them to live the lives of the asuras. The sons quickly left and went on to seek the life and protection from the super demons and Thataka was left all by herself no husband and no sons to keep her company. So, Thataka stayed on and quickly started to take her anger out on anything brought beauty or life to the land that is now the desert.

“Since the land is bare and full of no life does Thataka still live on this land”, says Rama.

“Yes, she is of an ugly sight….”, started to say Viswamithra.

Before Viswamithra could finish his thought there was the sounds of rumbling grounds beneath the earth that sat under Rama’s feet and before Rama appeared Thataka. Thataka as usual was not in the best of moods and was ready to take on Rama and Viswamithra as they are the first people, she has seen come the land in some time.

“Rama as part of your learning through out this trip it time to kill Thataka and give this land back so it can once again become a great scene”, said Viswamithra.

Rama at this point was very stunned and froze in place because he knew that she once was a great woman and he couldn’t hurt a woman that is not how he was raised. Viswamithra knew this was case and he relished on the thought of how to convince Rama to end the life of Thataka because it needed to be done. The difference between Rama and Viswamithra on this adventure that they both have partaken, is they both have a different sense of what must be done. Rama confused and not knowing how to handle this situation because he does not want to harm a woman, especially a woman that has lost all that she had once loved.

Rama stood tall and looked Thataka in the eyes and said, “I will not end your life here today on this bare and unhappy land that once use to be great and full of life.”

Instead Rama called upon the other demigods that had been watching from above to come and listen to what he has to offer for Thataka. Rama looks to the gods and says, “I wish for Thataka to not be killed but to live a life where she has to correct all things wrong that her family has once did.”

The demigods from above seemed very interested in what Rama was saying and Viswamithra was standing next to him looking very confused trying to read ahead Rama’s thoughts to figure out what he was planning.

Rama said to Thataka, “I rid you of your asuras curse and you will become a demigod once again, you will not be able to leave the land that we are on now and you will only have powers to make this land flourish like it once was.”

So, Rama instead of killing Thataka like Viswamithra wanted him to give Thataka a chance to rid her wrongs and make the land the place it uses to be. To further help Thataka tend to the land he also called for her sons to return and help their mother since it was them that had made her this way. Rama left only condition and that was that Thataka and her two sons would only have the power to do good and at the chance they try anything different they would be sent underground back with the demons and lost forever.

Representation of Thataka
Source: Hindu Devotional Blog

Authors Note: I’m not sure how well this story turned out, but I hope it at least is okay read. I took the story about Thataka from “The Ramayana” and it is in the first part of the book where Rama and Viswamithra are on their journey. In actual story it does start out pretty much how it is told above in the story that I wrote. However, Rama does not talk to the other demigods and throughout the journey Rama never challenges what Viswamithra wants him to do in the actual story. So, instead of having Rama kill Thataka like in the original, I decided to change that to where Rama is more kindhearted person towards Thataka and gives her a second chance. I almost kind of wrote it the story line of the Te Ka in the Disney movie Moana (Yes, I have watched Moana, I am big Disney fan I watch all the movies that they put out).

Bibliography: R.K. Narayan, “The Ramayana”, Book. Source to online PDF

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Reading Notes: Ramayana Part A

In the start of part A of the Ramayana, there is a lot going on just in the first few pages of a lot of different characters. It started to get a little confusing on where the story line was going. But then it all starts to clear up when Rama and Viswarmithra arrive in the city of Mithila and they meet Janaka. Janaka has a special way of finding the right person for his daughter Sita, this is done by whoever is strong enough to restring Shivas bow that was Janaka found. 

Rama is faced with the task of restringing the bow and surprisingly with all the others that failed to complete the task Rama is able to do it with ease. Janaka is amazed by this and demands that Rama and Sita marry right then. So, Rama's father is called to come to Mithila for the marriage and the marriage happens and the other sons of Dasharatha. 

Rama and Sita seem to have a really strong bond between the two even before they even realized who each other were. They go back to Kosala, where a little bit of time passes by before Dasharatha decides to announce his stepping down and Rama to step up as the new king of Kosala. This, however, is stopped by one of Dasharatha's wives and Rama is told to not accept the crown and to leave Kosala. I hope in reading part B I will find out what happens to Rama and if he actually leaves or decides to stay. The only reason why I say this is because a lot of the people in the kingdom do not like the decision of Rama being banned from the kingdom and his right to the crown taken away. 

Rama and Sita
Source: Flickr

Bibliography: R.K. Narayan, The Ramayana. 


Sunday, September 1, 2019

Feedback Thoughts

Source: The Blue Diamond

Feedback is probably one of the biggest things that can make or break something that can become a success or a failure in the matter of seconds. My view of feedback is that it is a good thing if it is done correctly and if all parties that are involved will use it. The reason that I value feedback especially in college is because of subject matter that I am studying. In aviation you can read about how to do something a hundred times but its not till you get out there in the cockpit and takeoff and do the thing that you finally realize what you supposed to be doing. This is where feedback is a really good tool because now that you read about it and went out and did the thing, how do you know that you really did it right or is there something that you can do better next time. So, in the aviation world we really rely on our flight instructors to give us feedback and talk over what happened and where we can train more on.

So, by taking what I just talked about and relating it to the speech that John Cleese, “The Importance of Mistakes”. You find that with every mistake that the missile made it learned from it and eventually got to where it was supposed to go. So, in the aviation world with every hour that you log of flight time you are just gaining that much more knowledge of how to correct what was previously done and how to deal with different things when they present themselves again.

The other thing that I read was “6 Hidden Downsides of Perfectionism”, I find this interesting and somewhat relatable. The first few things that were talked about in this article I found to be interesting especially when talking about procrastination. Procrastination is something that I struggle with all the time and have since high school. I would like to say that I am some version of a perfectionist and my family would agree with that. So, when looking at how procrastination is found in perfectionist because of the struggle of having everything line up correctly is interesting to me. I find this interesting because I see this in myself a lot, there are countless times where I will push something off because the task that I was doing before hand took five minutes longer than it should have. Even when I am at work and a task takes longer than it should have or it took longer than the time goal that I set for myself, I get this feeling of not being able to accomplish anything and it just starts a downhill approach for the rest of the day.

Epics of India: Topic Brainstorming


Like previously stated in one of my blog posts I found an interest in the storybooks that pertained to food. So, one of the topics that I found of interest is the topic of food. It would be interesting to investigate the different foods that are of popular means to India and how they may have originated and what types of foods are of sacred value to them. For instance, I have always associated that mangoes are of a Mexican culture and that they must have originated from there; however, mangoes started in India and I was kind of surprised from that when I first found that out.

A little history about the mango:


The second thing that I find of interest is the topic of music that is associated with the India culture. I find this interesting because you can honestly tell a lot about a culture through the music that they play and the meanings behind the music. You can find a lot about the symbolism about what the song means by when they play the song and where the song is played at. I think this kind of sticks out to me because I grew up in a small town here in Oklahoma that has a pretty rich native American culture and they have a strong music background that has a cultural significance to them to keep their culture alive.

I added the link to the YouTube playlist, because I feel it’s the best way to quickly learn about the different types of music and then do more research once you find one that interests you.


The third topic is, the traveling of India, this is for sure a topic that I find of interest only because I hope in the future that my career will allow me to travel to many places. So this topic would allow me to research about different places in India and then be able to form a knowledge of what there is in India. Then maybe in the future if I ever get chance to go then I will have already done some digging on the best places to be and also if it is a good time of the year to go.


The fourth topic that I chose is looking into the different festivals and holidays that are celebrated in India. Just in doing the little bit of research to be able to write this blog post I have found that they have a really rich culture full of festivals and celebrations for different things. The biggest topic I think I have found that is celebrated the most is there is pretty much a celebration for every god or god like figure that we will be reading about for this class. So, I think in picking this topic it will help me dive a little deeper into the different characters backgrounds as we progress through this course.

Here is a link to the festival that stuck out to me:

Dance at the Festival of Navaratri
Source: WikiMedia